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Course Code Duration Location Cost Type


Accent Reduction-short course  VAR  4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Accent Reduction-long course VAA  4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $2200
Accent Reduction-short course-cf VAR  4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Accent Reduction-short course-cm VAR  4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Accent Reduction-Half day workshop VAG-H 1 x 4 hr AUwide GP $2200
Accent Reduction-Full day workshop VAG-F 1 x 8 hr AUwide GP $3300
Accent Reduction-phonein VAR-PI  4 x 1 hr AUwide IND $990
Autocue-What is it MAQ 3 x 1 hr AUwide IND $880




Call Centre Coaching-Half Day Workshop TCC-H 1 x 4 hr AUwide   $2200
Call Centre Coaching-Full Day Workshop TCC-F 1 x 8 hr AUwide   $3300
Cartoon Voices VOC-I 1 x 1 hr Sydney   $165
Cartoon Voices VOC-W 1 x 8 hr Sydney   $550
Consulting Skills-3 day CCI 3 x 8 hr AUwide   POA


Demo Consultation VOD 2 x 1 hr AUwide IND $330


Elocution & Vocabulary VEL 4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Emotional Intelligence EQG 1 x 8 hr AUwide GP $3300
Emotional Intelligence for Managers EQM 1 x 8 hr AUwide GP $3300
Emotional Value-Customer Service EQC 1 x 4 hr AUwide GP $2200
Executive Presentation Skills PRS 2 x 1 hr & 1 x 2 hr Sydney IND $1250
Executive Presentation Skills PRS-H 1 x 4 hr AUwide IND $1250
Executive Presentation Skills-Adv PRA  3 x 2 hr Sydney IND $2500
Executive Presentation Skills-Group PRG-H 1 x 4 hr AUwide GP $2200
Executive Presentation Skills-Group PRG-F 1 x 8 hr AUwide GP $3300
Executive Speaking Skills VES 4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Executive Team Overhaul VTO custom AUwide IND POA


Facilitation Skills CFT 1 x 8 hr Sydney GP $3300






Interview Coaching-Private INI 4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Interviewing Others INO 4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100








Magnificent Meetings CTM 1 x 3 hr AUwide GP $2200
Media Skills MSI 4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Media Skills-Advanced MSA 4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Media Interview Coaching MIC 1 x 2 hr AUwide IND $660


News Reading MNR 2x1 hr & 1x2 hr Sydney IND $1100




Personal Voice Coaching-short course VPS 4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Male   4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Female   4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Personal Voice Coaching-long course VPL 8 x 1 hr Sydney IND $2200
Male   8 x 1 hr Sydney IND $2200
Female   8 x 1 hr Sydney IND $2200
Personal Voice Coaching-1 Day workshop VPG   1 x 8 hr AUwide GP $3300
Personal Voice Coaching-Phone In VPS-PI 4 x 1 hr AUwide IND $990
Male   4 x 1 hr AUwide GPIND $990
Female   4 x 1 hr AUwide IND $990
Phone In-Instructions API custom AUwide IND free
Podcasting YPC 4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Preparing to Conference WPC 2 x 2 hr Sydney IND $1800
Presentation Skills-Half day workshop PRG-H 1 x 4 hr AUwide GP $2200
Presentation-Full day workshop PRG-F 1 x 8 hr AUwide GP $3300
Presenting You : Dress,Voice & Image PRD 1 x 1 hr & 1 x 2 hr Sydney IND $1100
Presenting You : Dress,Voice & Image- female PRD 2 x 1 hr & 1 x 2 hr Sydney IND $1250
Presenting You : Dress,Voice & Image- male PRD 2 x 1 hr & 1 x 2 hr Sydney IND $1250
Private Interview Coaching INI 4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Public Speaking -Individual Training PSC 4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Public Speaking-Group Training PSG 1 x 8 hr AUwide GP $3300
Public Speaking-Weddings, Dinners and Social PSW 2 x 1 hr AUwide IND $550






Speechwriting PSS 1 x 4 hr AUwide GP $2200


Team Communications CTG 1 x 4 hr AUwide GP $2200
Teleconferencing WTC 1 x 6 hr AUwide GP $3800
Telemarketing Training-Half day Workshop TTM-H 1 x 4 hr AUwide GP $2200
Telemarketing Training-Full day Workshop TTM-F 1 x 8 hr AUwide GP $3300
The Telephone Tone-Half Day Workshop TTT-H 1 x 4 hr AUwide GP $2200
The Telephone Tone-Full Day Workshop TTT-F 1 x 8 hr AUwide GP $3300
The Receptionist's Voice TRV 1 x 3 hr Sydney IND $495
TV Presenting - Group VTG custom AUwide GP POA





Videoconferencing WVC 1 x 6 hr AUwide GP $4800
Voice Coaching for Auctioneers VPU 4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Voice Coaching for Lawyers VPW 4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
male   4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
female   4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Voice Coaching for Teachers VPT 4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
male   4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
female   4 x 1 hr Sydney IND $1100
Voice Coaching-Group VPG 1 x 8 hr AUwide GP $3300
Voice Over & Broadcasting Skills VOB 4 x 1 hr Session 1


Session 2


Session 3


Session 4




Voice Over & Broadcasting Skills-Phone in VOB-PI 4 x 1 hr      
Voice Skills for TV Presenters VTV 2x1 hr & 1x2 hr Session 1 Session 2 Session 3


Webcasting WWC 1 x 6 hr AUwide GP $4800




Your Speech-Design & Rehearsal PSR 2 x 2hr AUwide IND $1100
YouTube your Business YYB 2 x 1 hr +

2 x 2 hr

Sydney IND $1800
YTB-Business Partners YYP 2 x 1 hr +

2 x 2 hr

Sydney GP $2200
YTB-Couples and Families YYF 2 x 1 hr +

 2 x 2 hr

Sydney GP $2200


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